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Disabled athletes are even better than normal people !   28 AUG 2009
自己的子女都沒有這麼關心我 !   28 AUG 2009
Previous News
港隊捷報頻傳  再奪兩金有望   20 AUG 2009
Barrier-free facilities in Championships   20 AUG 2009
無障礙設施(上)   20 AUG 2009
If consideration counts, the disabled can live on their own   20 AUG 2009
無障礙設施(下)   20 AUG 2009
外國運動員讚港人親切   場地仍有進步空間   20 AUG 2009
Hong Kong Players do make Hong Kong Proud   19 AUG 2009
港隊穿金帶銀成績優秀  中國突破上屆表現出色 (中國、香港隊賽程)   19 AUG 2009
亞太硬滾港隊出色   金牌女將殺入四強   18 AUG 2009
Crunch matches in Day Two Boccia Individuals   17 AUG 2009
硬滾錦標賽第二日賽事激戰連場 17 AUG 2009
第3屆亞太區硬地滾球錦標賽 - 8月19日及21日 - 王者誕生 17 AUG 2009
Exciting Competitions on the First day of the Third Asia and South Pacific Boccia Championships 16 AUG 2009
硬地滾球錦標賽開鑼  首日已現連番惡鬥 16 AUG 2009
Boccia Stars Ready to fight for entering the 2012 London Paralympic 15 AUG 2009
列強爭霸 再掀風雲 15 AUG 2009
Why does the Hong Kong Boccia Team win - the Hong Kong Fire Ball 14 AUG 2009
絕招~Hong Kong Fire ball,  一「掟」定江山 14 AUG 2009
Hong Kong Boccia players face Sunday Championships with ease 14 AUG 2009
亞太區硬地滾球錦標賽 - 本周日九龍公園揭戰幔 (比賽日程表) 13 AUG 2009
Important Notice - Special Arrangement at the Hong Kong Airport (Location of Duty Officers) 11 AUG 2009
Boccia is rolling into the community 7 AUG 2009
硬地滾球「滾」入繁囂都市 7 AUG 2009
Important Notice - Amendment to the General Information 5 AUG 2009
Hong Kong representatives shares the fun of Boccia at Park Central 1 AUG 2009
港隊代表匯聚將軍澳中心 - 與眾同樂推廣硬地滾球 1 AUG 2009
Leung Yuk Wing vows to fight for Hong Kong's glory 26 JUL 2009
壓力?!今次沒有 - 梁育榮 (香港) 26 JUL 2009
第三屆亞太區硬地滾球錦標賽 - 硬地滾球介紹及示範 25 JUL 2009
Press Conference - 3rd Asia & South Pacific Boccia Championships 2009 14 JUL 2009
Hong Kong Boccia Athletes prepare for the test event of the London Paralympics 14 JUL 2009
港隊備戰殘奧硬滾資格賽 14 JUL 2009
香港殘疾人士週年硬地滾球錦標賽 一眾港將積極備戰八月亞洲賽 11 JUL 2009
積極推廣硬地滾球 半天工作坊與眾同樂 11 JUL 2009
Press Advisory - 3rd Asia & South Pacific Boccia Championships 2009 8 JUL 2009